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How do I get involved?

There are four ways to get involved in our service.


1) Refer yourself - this registers you to our mailing list, you will receive updates to what we are doing and how to get involved. There is also a box to tick for one of the team to give you a call back to discuss how we can help you.


2) If you are a professional, friend or family, you can refer someone else to us. You MUST have their permission in order to do this.


3) You can register for one of our in person courses. This will add you to the email list to receive updates about the course start dates and all the information about how to attend. 


4) Become an associate - The Leg Up Project CIC is a not for profit organisation that works with over 600 people per year. Despite the large scale work that we do, there are only 2 paid employees in the team. We rely and are grateful for the time and effort dedicated by our team of associates, usually people who we have previously supported on the project. This volunteer basis forms a core part of our team. To find out more, get in touch. 



Refer Yourself

The form for you to fill out to start taking positive action and to get involved!


Refer Someone Else

For professionals, friends or family to refer someone to our service. 


Course Registration

Please complete this form if you are interested in or want to attend one of our in person 28 day, 10 week or 90 day courses. 

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